Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Breast augmentation:

Whether it is wearing revealing clothing or simply being at ease with your body, the new women wants to look perfect with everything. With changing trends and attitude in the society, breast augmentation is claimed to be the highest opted surgery in the world.

The procedure of inserting an implant in a space created between breast tissue and underlying muscle, or at times under the chest muscle, to enlarge the size of the breasts, is known as breast augmentation.

A plastic envelope enclosing a saline solution or silicone gel is used in the implant.

A small incision is carried in the crease beneath the breast, or around the lower border of the areola or still in the underarm area. A brassiere and pressure bandages are applied around the chest. Rest is advised for a couple of days after the surgery. Sutures are placed inside the skin and dissolve by themselves.

At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, we work to do breast augmentations that craft a natural look, so that you have fuller and rounder breasts without a fake appearance. We put in our 100% at our centers at Beverly Hills & Los Angeles, so that you get your desired results.

However a positive and elastic approach is very essential before undergoing the knife for Breast Augmentation surgery.

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