Friday, October 19, 2007

Butt Beautiful:

According to Galdino F. Pranzarone, a professor of psychology at Roanoke College in Salem, Virginia, in primeval societies, the butt of a woman was the primary sexual attractor, not the breasts. Buttock augmentation procedures increase the size of a person’s hind enabling a person to have a shapely butt. Such preferences very well could hint at the latent cavemen tendencies men seem to exhibit occasionally.

The low-rise jeans era and the further diminishment of the not-so-humble bikini, further have a lot of American women paying more attention to their derriere. “Is my butt to big?” is most definitely the most dreaded question after “Is my butt too small?” as half the world’s men would agree. The butt is never perfect for any woman.

Compared to
breast augmentation and rhytidectomy, buttock augmentation is still in its growing stage. It is still being fine-tuned. However, this has certainly not deterred a lot of American women from reshaping their derriere. The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery recorded a four time increase in buttock augmentation surgeries from 2002 to 2006.

Each ethnic group has its own preferences though. Asians seem to prefer small, shapely buttocks, while Caucasians seem to switch between athletic rears to ample Playmate bottoms. Hispanics gravitate more to well-rounded posteriors while African-Americans go all out on butt size. Well, each to her own.

‘Butt’ whatever be your preferences, at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we get to the bottom-line [literally] of your curvy fancies. Skilled surgeons examine your body type carefully and help you to get that great figure you want. Our buttock augmentation procedures just might get you a satisfactory answer from your man.

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